Archives of the Jan Kochanowski University
ul. Uniwersytecka 7
25-406 Kielce
Tel. (41) 349 62 48
Free admission
Opening hours: workdays: 8.30 am – 2.30 pm
Director: Monika Marcinkowska PhD
Library of the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce
ul. Uniwersytecka 19
25-406 Kielce
Tel. (41) 349 71 75 (Special Collections Division)
Tel. (41) 349 71 76 (Education, Teaching and
Publications Division)
Tel. (41) 349 71 55 (office),
Free admission
Opening hours: Mondays – Fridays 9 am – 7 pm
Saturdays 9 am – 2 pm
Director: Andrzej Antoniak MA
The Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, which has been operating since 1 October 2011, continued the tradition of the Higher Teacher Training School (WSN) (1969–1973), The Teacher Training College (WSP) (1973–2000) which was named after Jan Kochanowski in 1979, the Jan Kochanowski Świętokrzyska Academy (AŚ) (2000–2008) and the Jan Kochanowski Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences University (UJK) (2008–2011). Since 1981 it has also had a Branch in Piotrków Trybunalski, and as of 2017 – a Branch Department in Sandomierz. The archives began operating when a certified archivist, Teresa Koba-Ryszewska was employed in 1975. Since 1 October 2001 Monika Marcinkowska is
director of the archives. The interest in museum collections arose in connection with the 40th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of the University of Kielce in 2009. The objects – often unique – that were of signicance to the
university had been dispersed and improperly stored; nor had they been described. To prevent further damage and to safeguard the objects and enable a proper study to be made of them, the director of the archives requested that the rector order a physical count and compile an inventory of items which constituted historical memorabilia documenting the development of the university and its legal predecessors. Pursuant to Order No. 60/2010 of the rector of the Jan Kochanowski Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences University in Kielce dated 27 September 2010, an inventory was to be drawn up by the UJK Archives. A study was undertaken in accordance with which the process was to take place. A register was established so that each item could be described in detail (author/producer, material / technique, dimensions,
date and place of origin), including information on each item’s origin and place of storage, wherever possible. To date almost 200 artefacts have been described and collected. As a result of these activities, in collaboration with the university library, a permanent exhibition was organized entitled Z kart historii Uczelni. Od Wyższej Szkoły Nauczycielskiej do Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego (Pages from the history of the school. From a Higher Teacher Training School to the Jan Kochanowski University), which was officially opened in 2014. The exhibition includes the first gowns of the rector and dean of WSP, the rectors’ rings of the WSP and AŚ, WSP’s banner, the first album of day students of the WSN (Higher Teacher Training School) dating from the years 1969/1970, handwritten chronicles from the year 1969/1970,
the text of the school hymn and academic protocol, a plaque with the coat of arms of the Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences University, which was also adopted by the UJK, medals struck on the 10th and 15th anniversary of WSP, caps and sashes of the school’s colour guard, a shirt and pennant of the Students’ Club (AZS) and sports trophies, pennants
of student organizations which functioned at the WSP, envelopes and letterheads with the WSP, AŚ and UJK logos, self-adhesive AŚ mascots with the address of the school’s first website, documentation of international contacts and the first number of the magazine Przegląd Naukowy UJK dating from 30 September 2013. One of the cabinets shows honorary doctorates, and suspended boards with photographs presenting a timeline of the school’s development, the expansion of its facilities (in particular the building of the present campus), photographs of rectors, academic ceremonies and special events, documentation of concerts and exhibitions of artistic institutes, the school’s scientific and academic activities (conference programmes, invitations) and student activities.
Monika Marcinkowska PhD,
Marzena Wydrych-Gawrylak PhD