Centre for History and Tradition
University of Economics in Katowice
ul. Bankowa 11a
40-007 Katowice
Correspondence address:
University of Economics in Katowice
1 Maja 50
40-287 Katowice
Tel. (32) 786 50 62
Free admission
Mondays – Saturdays: 8 am – 8 pm CINIBA,
ul. Bankowa 11a, Katowice
Mondays – Fridays: 8 am – 3.30 pm Rectorate of the University of Economics in Katowice, ul. 1 Maja 50, Katowice (advance booking is essential).
Director of the Main Library of the University of Economics in Katowice: Radosław Jeż PhD
Director of the Centre for History and Tradition: Sylwia Szulik MA
The University of Economics in Katowice was established in December 1936 (on the basis of a decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs and Public Education of the Republic of Poland) as a private College of Social and Economic Sciences. Classes in the college began on 11 January 1937 which is considered to be the start of the college’s operations. For many years the academic circles of the oldest Polish economics college in Upper Silesia had the idea of creating a history centre (similar in character to a museum) at the college; the rst attempts at achieving this took many forms: a Memorial Room, commemorative exhibitions, historical publications, jubilee events. On 29 January 2015 the then rector, Prof. Leszek Żabiński, with the approval of the University Senate, created a Centre of History of the University of Economics of Zawodzie in Katowice; in September 2016 it was renamed the Centre for History and Academic Tradition. Prof. Alojzy Czech was the centre’s first director. Since November 2017 the centre has been operating within the Main
Library of the university as the Centre for History and Tradition of the University of Economics in Katowice – together with the Library of the University of Silesia in Katowice it forms the Scientic Information Centreand Academic Library (CINiBA). The Centre for History and Tradition has been recording and amassing various types of collections related to the history of the university and of the people who created it, and documenting the university’s development and its position in the contemporary world. The collections refiect the close bonds between the university and the region, its collaboration with other universities and institutions. The main collections comprise: brochures, prints and commemorative publications related to events that are important to the university, such as anniversaries, awarding honorary degrees or doctorate renewal ceremonies; diplomas, prizes, congratulatory letters; documentation of social life, including ephemeral prints – such as calendars, posters, catalogues, invitations, information leafiets; books on the history of the university and the region, biographies of people who have made history or contributed to culture, art and other books; pictures and sculptures; medals, stamps and plaquettes; coins and medals; scientific equipment and instruments; memorabilia; charts, maps, old typescripts, postcards; periodicals, bulletins, papers; memorabilia related to the university’s patron Karol Adamiecki; albums and archival photographs; audio recordings and films. The Centre for History and Tradition organizes commemorative exhibitions as well as exhibitions related to the centre’s history which
accompany important events. A permanent exhibition ‛Od Ratusza w Zawodziu do Rektoratu Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach’ (From the Town Hall in Zawodzie to the Rectorate of the University of Economics in Katowice) is on show in the rectorate building, at ul. 1 Maja 50, which also houses the Rectors’ Portrait Gallery. In addition to the permanent exhibitions, many temporary exhibitions are organized,
such as:
– ‛Karol Adamiecki (1866–1933). Sceny z życia i działalności’ (Karol Adamiecki (1866–1933). Scenes from his life and work) – organized to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Karol Adamiecki’s birth; it accompanied the Entrepreneurship Gala and the first edition of the Karol Adamiecki Business Award Competition, sponsored by the Mayor of the Municipality of Dąbrowa Górnicza, on 16 November 2016 and on 11 January 2017;
– ‛Ks. dr Franciszek Blachnicki (1921–1987)’ (Rev. Dr Franciszek Blachnicki (1921–1987)) – organized in connection with a conference dedicated to God’s servant, Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki at the Business, Finance and Administration Faculty of the University of Economics in Rybnik, 24 March 2017;
– ‛Professor Andrzej Barczak’ – organized on the occasion of the renewal of the doctoral degree of Prof. Andrzej Barczak (on the 50th anniversary of its first being awarded) and presented to him at the official inauguration of the academic year 2017/2018;
– ‛Profesor Alojzy Melich’ (Professor Alojzy Melich) – organized to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Alojzy Melich, 7–30 June 2018;
– ‛Historia Wydziału Zarządzania’ (History of the Faculty of Management) and ‛Poczet Dziekanów Wydziału Zarządzania’ (Gallery of Deans of the Faculty of Management) – presentations of exhibition banners during the conference organized on the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Management, 19 October 2017.
– ‛100-lecie Powstań Śląskich /1919–1920–1921/’ (100th Anniversary of Silesian Uprisings /1919–1920–1921/) – presenting original publications from the period of the Silesian Uprisings and the Plebiscite held in Upper Silesia which played an important role in the insurgents’ aspirations to connect Upper Silesia to Poland, including propaganda and agitational publications which supported the fight for Polish national awareness, 19/08/2019–10/10/2019.
– ‛Profesor Andrzej Klasik’(Professor Andrzej Klasik) – organized on the occasion of the renewal of the doctorate of Prof. Andrzej Klasik (on the 50th anniversary of its first being awarded), presented to him on the Holiday of the University of Economics in Katowice, 10 January 2020. The Centre for History and Tradition is responsible for memorial sites, in particular for the plaques commemorating Józef Lisak, Zbigniew Pawłowski, Zbigniew Messner; the commemorative plaque on the birthplace of Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki on the building of the Faculty of Business, Finance and Administration, the plaque commemorating the heroes who lost their lives defending the Silesian Land during the Silesian Uprisings on the building of the rectorate, and tombs of deceased members of the university community.