1. To realize statutory objectives the Association of University Museums gathers, records, stores, processes, changes, makes available and deletes the personal data of its members.
  2. Personal data of members is administered by the Association of University Museums based in Warsaw at 32 Krakowskie Przedmieście Street, 00-927 Warsaw, NIP 5252608991, REGON 360774524
  3. The AUM has obtained permission from its members to store and process their personal data in a capacity defined in the Membership Declaration – voluntarily provided by each AUM member – containing first and last name, date and place of birth, Personal ID number (PESEL), address, E-mail address, phone number, museum/institution, the position held.
  4. The AUM does not gather, store, or process personal data other than that listed in point number 3.
  5. The AUM stores and processes personal data not longer than the time necessary to realize its statutory objectives.
  6. The AUM does not make available personal data for objectives other than those stated within its statute.
  7. The AUM protects personal data using all organizational and technical resources that are available to it.
  8. Persons covered within the scope of personal data protection provided by the AUM have the right to access, change, delete, limit and object to the processing and transfer of their personal data as well as revoke permission for processing said data.
  9. The disclosure of personal data is voluntary but is necessary for the realization of processing objectives.

Additionally, we would like to inform all concerned that to document the activities carried out by the AUM photos will be taken during meetings and conferences organized by the AUM that will later be published on AUM’s web page and its Facebook account.